
Design Matters: Re-Design Your Life

13 Sep 2018

 / 11:00am to 12:00pm
 / Free
Event has passed

Are you living on autopilot? According to statistics, we make over 15 decisions each day without the blink of an eye.

Are the decisions that you make adding up to the life you want to live? In this workshop by inspirational coach – Hayley Evans – you will learn how to actively take control of your life through leveraging your habits to create a more fulfilling and purposeful life.

Hayley spent over 20 years working in the financial industry before leaving to explore entrepreneurship. In addition to consulting startups and entrepreneurs on strategic culture and management, she has expanded her services to include business and personal coaching. Today, Hayley inspires people around the world to make an epic change in their careers and lives.

Design Matters is a two-week programme of talks and workshops celebrating design across industries and disciplines and exploring its changing nature in a digital age.
