
(Re)discover Your Brand

10 Apr 2018

 / 11:00am to 12:00pm
 / Free
Event has passed

In today’s fast-changing, noisy and information-saturated market it can be easy to lose focus on what matters the most when you communicate with your customers: human relationships.

In this inspiring talk by Mate Kovacs, founder of brand communications start-up Water Lily Pond, you will learn how to (re)discover the human side of your business to build stronger connections with your customers, clients, users and employees and how to develop more strategic and thought-through marketing communications.

Our member-only Be Better programme is designed to get people sharing their skills and knowledge, so that everyone in the community can be better (or even better!) when it comes to work and life.

These informal sessions include business masterclasses, self-improvement workshops and roundtable discussions.
