Talk & Discussion

Redefining Consent – Power, Pleasure & Patriarchy

14 Jun 2018

 / 6:00pm to 8:00pm
 / Free
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An evening of talks, screening and performance exploring how gender roles are performed and enforced through stereotypes and patriarchal definitions of (toxic) masculinity & (fragile) femininity.

We’ll be screening award-winning documentary, 100 Women I Know and there’ll be a reading from the book 100 Women I Know, published by Break the Habit Press.

Poet, playwright and performer Tanaka Mhishi will be talking about his work on trauma & consent.

Dr Rachael O'Neill, feminist academic researcher from University of York will be talking about her newly published book Seduction: Men, Masculinity and Mediated Intimacy.

There will be a panel discussion moderated by Libreria's Golchehr Hamidi-Manesh (MA Gender& Sexuality).

Do gender expectations – for both men and women – perpetuate a pattern of violence? How are our expectations of sexual pleasure and communication different between genders?

How can we broaden our understanding of consent and effectively practice consensual sex?

Join us for a safe and honest discussion on these questions which are more important now than ever now as we expand our definition of gender.
