
The Why & How of Words – PR Savvy

15 Jun 2017

 / 1:00pm to 2:00pm
 / Free
Event has passed

Who are your audiences and how can you best communicate with them?

In this session the founder of PR & Word Savvy, Kate Warwick, will help you take a look at your audiences, outlets and content to help you identify who your consumers are, how to reach them and how to apply linguistic theory to your content.

Bring along a live document or an idea you want to put into words as there will be time to work on it in the session.

Our member-only Be Better programme is designed to get people sharing their skills and knowledge, so that everyone in the community can be better (or even better!) when it comes to work and life.

These informal sessions include business masterclasses, self-improvement workshops and roundtable discussions.

This is a member only event. Please RSVP.
