
Don't F*ck Up The Culture

29 Nov 2018

 / 12:00pm to 1:00pm
 / Free
Event has passed

In this hands-on, practical workshop with organisational design specialist Erik Rodin, you'll learn about what company culture really is (hint: it is not bean bags and a foosball table), how to map it and identify what is unique about your organisation.

Back in 2012 when AirBnB had finished its Series C funding, co-founder Brian Chesky asked one of its biggest investors what his most important advice was. He simply said; don't f*ck up the culture. An easy enough answer, but much harder to do in practice.

Erik is an organisational design and innovation specialist who has led projects for clients like Chanel, Red Cross and PepsiCo. He is the co-founder of able, a London-based work design studio which enables individuals, teams and organisations to change how they organise and work.

Our member-only Be Better programme is designed to get people sharing their skills and knowledge, so that everyone in the community can be better (or even better!) when it comes to work and life. These informal sessions include business masterclasses, self-improvement workshops and roundtable discussions.
